Viewing Daily Statistics

You can view daily call statistics to track and monitor the number of calls that were logged, opened, escalated, and closed. You can then use the statistics to analyze how well the Service Desk is functioning in resolving Users’ issues.

  1. Select and then Dashboards.
  2. From the submenu, select Daily Stats to display the Daily Statistics window, containing a graphical view of the calls opened, open calls, escalated calls, and calls closed on the current day. By default, a horizontal bar graph is displayed for the current partition in which you are working.

From here, you can “drill down” into the daily statistics by selecting the relevant section of the graph.

The number of Closed calls on the graph includes calls with a physical status of Closed-Unresolved. However, if you select the graph to view these calls in the Call Search window, the Closed-Unresolved calls are not displayed. Select the Closed-Unresolved search option to display these calls in the browse list.

Changing the Graphical Display

  1. Select and then Dashboards.
  2. From the submenu, select Daily Stats to display the Daily Statistics window, containing a graphical view of the calls opened, open calls, escalated calls, and calls closed on the current day. By default, a horizontal bar graph is displayed for the current partition in which you are working.
  3. With the Daily Statistics window on screen, select .
  4. In the Graph Options window, edit the graph settings (in the Settings tab) as needed.
  5. Max points per page The maximum number of results to be generated in the graph
    Refresh Interval The duration (in minutes) at which you want the graph to be updated
    Sort option Sort the graph items by the number of calls. You can choose from None, Ascending and Descending
    Series Type The type of graph to be used to display the call statistics. You can select Bar, Horizontal Bar, Line, or Pie.

  6. Select the Preview tab to view a preview of the daily statistics graph based on your new settings.
  7. Select to apply the changes, and to close the Options window.

Other options for the Daily Statistics graph

The Options window provides the following additional options:

Advanced Additional options for formatting your graph
Export Settings Save your graph settings
Import Settings Import graph settings you previously exported
Apply Apply these settings to the graph
Revert to Default Reverts the graph options to default